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About (LCI)

Life Cycle Indonesia

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PT Life Cycle Indonesia was first established in 2015 as a response to the increasing issues on sustainability, especially in Indonesia and adjacent countries.


Life Cycle Indonesia is a group of sustainability consultants who specialises in end to end sustainability which comprises of Measure (with Life Cycle Assessment), Manage & Improve and Communication (based on GRI and POJK through and environmental labelling type III).

To provide products and services to support industries in achieving sustainable practices.
To be an integrated solution in achieving sustainability towards a sustainable world.
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  • Committed

  • Ethical


  • Trustworthy

  • Professional


Our Vision

Our Mission

Our Values

About (VMV)
About (Founder)

Our Founder

Dr. Hanafi established PT Life Cycle Indonesia (LCI), a consulting firm with a team of experts in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and sustainability, to accommodate the growing interest in Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainable practices in the industry. LCI is the Indonesian network partner for SimaPro, a leading LCA Software. She is passionate about teaching and research on life cycle assessment, waste management, reverse logistics, collection strategies, sustainable manufacturing and sustainable supply chain management.


She was an active board of the Indonesian Life Cycle Assessment Network (ILCAN) during 2015 to 2018 that established ILCAN position in the national and international forum. Until now she is working as an expert for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in promoting Life Cycle Assessment in Indonesia. She drafted the adoption of ISO 14040/44 on Life Cycle Assessment to Indonesian National Standard (SNI). In 2017, she was appointed as Technical Expert for ISO TC 207 as the national mirror committee and as an expert on Life Cycle Assessment in the ISO TC 207 Steering Committee 5 in the international forum since 2018.


Since 2019, she worked in multiple LCA projects to provide input to policy development for the Ministry of Development and Planning/BAPPENAS together with national/ international organizations such as Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF), World Resource Institute (WRI), and UN Environment Programme. She continues to assists various companies and industrial associations from agricultural sectors, oil and gas, power plants, manufacturing, to pharmaceutical companies in implementing LCA in their industries and help them in pursuing sustainable activities.


In early 2021, together with fellow LCA practitioners, she established the Indonesian Association of Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Professional (Pro-LCAS) to accommodate the needs of credible LCA practitioners in Indonesia.

About (OC)

Our Contributions

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Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Technical Expert for Ministry of Environment and Forestry on Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment


Technical Expert for International Standard Organization (ISO) for Steering Committee 207 Environmental Management System

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 SimaPro Indonesia
GRI Standard

Global Network Partner for SimaPro in Indonesia, a leading Life Cycle Assessment Software developed by Pre Sustainability (based in the Netherland), to measure sustainability

Trainer for GRI Standard Sustainability Reporting Training together with National Centre for Sustainability Reporting (Since 2015) , provides training in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines

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Technical Expert for International Standard Organization (ISO) for Steering Committee 207 Environmental Management System

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Technical Expert Drafter for the adoption of Standar National Indonesia (SNI) ISO 14040:2016, 14044:2017 on Life Cycle Assessment and 14046:2018 on Water Footprint, together with Badan Standardisasi Nasional

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UN Environment

Project Leader for Road Tester of Organizational Life Cycle Assessment UN Environment/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative: Pilot Project on Faculty of Science and Technology UPH

Be Part of Our Team

At Life Cycle Indonesia, we believe sustainability is the key to a better future and our team of highly skilled Sustainability Consultants are committed to helping businesses and organizations work towards their sustainability goals. Join our ever-expanding team and help us create a sustainable future for Indonesia and for the world.

Our newest Job vacancies is on the way. Don't hesitate to contact us and inquire about career or partnership opportunities with Life Cycle Indonesia

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